Detail Magazine (Digital)


About Detail

Detail ist die internationale Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail. Sie erscheint 12-mal im Jahr und wird in mehr als 90 Länder als bilinguale deutsch-englische Ausgabe geliefert. Detail bietet Dokumentationen und Informationen zu Bauobjekten aller Kategorien. Schwerpunkt: Das Detail im konstruktiven und architektonischen Zusammenhang. Neben den regulären 8 DETAIL Ausgaben mit konstruktiven Themen und 2 DETAIL Konzept-Heften mit typologischer Ausrichtung, bieten die 2 zusätzlichen Ausgaben DETAIL Green praxisgerechte Informationen zu allen Aspekten des nachhaltigen Planens und Bauens. DETAIL is the international journal dedicated to architecture and construction details. Each issue focuses on a particular aspect of design, such as constructing with concrete, roof structures, etc. Emphasis is placed on presenting designs in great detail, and complementing these with drawings in practical scales and superb photographs that illustrate real world examples from near and far. Detail German/English Edition is published 12 times per year.

The number of issues included in a magazine subscription (frequency) is subject to change without notice. Additional double issues may be published, which count as 2 issues. Applicable sales tax will be added. Offer void in Vermont. Magazine covers are used for illustrative purposes only and you may not receive a copy of the particular issue depicted. Your subscription will include the most recent issue once your subscription begins. Magazine covers are the property of the publisher. This site is not officially affiliated with, associated with, or endorsed by Detail or the publisher.